Thursday, March 27, 2014

True Confessions of a Part Time Yogi

True Confessions of a Part-Time Yogi:

I am starting this blog on this random day, March 27, in hopes of sharing some of my experiences coming on board with yoga and meditation in a real and consistent way.  I have, over the years, had an inconsistent practice, and I want to start documenting my experience as I solidify it, both to share my experience and hold myself accountable.  Each year leading up to my birthday I do a cleanse and gratitudes (for the number of years I am turning), coupled with a more consistent meditation practice. This ended March 22, but I want to ensure my practice continues.  This blog will be my new accountability partner.


March 27 Gratitudes: understanding work environment, flexibility, time to stop, heal and reflect, Bija (Todd Norian), sunshine, vegan tempeh bacon, honesty between friends, considering the 20 hour work week.